Lately a lot of complaints because bengkrutnya of groups of traditional theater. In modern times the managers of group art demanded more sophisticated capabilities, not only the ability in the arts or directing. The ability of the company's management, marketing ability, the ability of mass psychology to read the audience tastes very necessary. Traditional theater artists now also have fewer and fewer in number since abandoned by their seniors. Big names such as Clark Jiyo, Markuat, Atmonadi, Basiyo, Narto Sabdo, and so now gone. Siswo Budoyo with Siswondo and Jusuf Agil also destroyed because the two figures was gone.
Now we turn to modern dramas are using a script. Presumably successful traditional drama in their independence can not be inherited by groups of modern drama. However their presence in the repertoire of Indonesian literature is a phenomenon that can not be forgotten. We know the big names such as the Theatre Workshop, Popular Theatre, Theatre Starka, Nature Theater, and so on. Professionalism in art is not enough to answer the challenges of the times. It takes financial managers and organizers are able to lengthen the breath of life of groups of modern theater. At least the modern theater impresario or require such figures.